Symplectic topology

Results: 215

21Morse theory / Algebraic topology / Commutative algebra / Novikov ring / Ring theory / Symplectic geometry / Moment map / Betti number / Cohomology / Manifold / Sheaf / Surgery theory

Summer School Novikov Morse Theory for Closed 1-Forms Kloster Steinfeld, 10. — 15. SeptemberGraduiertenkolleg 1150: Homotopy and Cohomology

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Language: English - Date: 2006-12-15 13:47:30
22String theory / Symplectic topology / Finite type invariant / Manifold / Invariant / Stable map / Emmy Noether

Black and White Local Invariants of Mappings from Surfaces into Three-Space Kevin Houston School of Mathematics, University of Leeds, Leeds, LS2 9JT, U.K. e-mail:

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Language: English - Date: 2010-09-20 07:30:40
23Homotopy theory / Algebraic topology / Differential topology / Maps of manifolds / Homotopy group / Fundamental group / Homotopy / Differentiable manifold / Diffeomorphism / Blowing up / Symplectomorphism / Normal bundle

On Gompf ’s construction of symplectic manifolds by Harm Backx a thesis submitted to the Department of Mathematics at Utrecht University for the degree of

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Language: English - Date: 2015-09-22 09:08:35
24Symplectic geometry / Symplectic topology / Hamiltonian mechanics / Algebraic geometry / Differential topology / Contact geometry / Symplectic vector space / Cohomology / Symplectic manifold / Symplectic cut / Khler manifold / Moment map

manuscripta math. 124, 533–) © Springer-Verlag 2007 Michèle Audin

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Language: English - Date: 2013-04-28 08:45:52
25Differential topology / Theoretical physics / Topology / Symplectic geometry / Hamiltonian mechanics / Symplectic topology / Symplectic manifold / Manifold / Symplectic / Floer homology / Symplectomorphism

Circle actions in symplectic geometry Leonor Godinho (Instituto Superior Técnico - Universidade de Lisboa), Silvia Sabatini (Universität zu Köln) The problem of determining whether a manifold admits symmetries has bee

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Language: English - Date: 2016-06-10 05:01:16
26Algebraic geometry / Vector bundles / Differential geometry / Frobenius manifold / Symplectic topology / Sheaf / G-structure on a manifold / Tangent bundle / Ample line bundle / Morphism of algebraic varieties / Supermanifold / Frobenius theorem


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Language: English - Date: 2013-04-28 08:57:48

Symplectic rigidity and Quantum Mechanics Leonid Polterovich (Tel Aviv University) I present a new link between Symplectic Topology and Quantum Mechanics which has been discovered in the framework of function theory on s

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- Date: 2015-12-16 06:03:44
    28Symplectic topology / Homology theory / Morse theory / Floer homology / Contact geometry / Topological quantum field theory / 3-manifold / Manifold / Topology / Geometry Festival / Andreas Floer

    Daniel Mathews Curriculum Vitæ Personal Information Address: Phone: Email:

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    Language: English - Date: 2013-02-20 08:10:05
    29Symplectic topology / Floer homology / Contact geometry / Symplectic manifold / Topological quantum field theory / Complex manifold / Symplectic geometry / Almost complex manifold / 3-manifold / Manifold / Pseudoholomorphic curve / Geometry Festival

    Contact topology and holomorphic invariants via elementary combinatorics∗ Daniel V. Mathews School of Mathematical Sciences Monash University

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    Language: English - Date: 2013-02-07 08:08:47
    30Homology theory / Floer homology / Morse theory / Symplectic topology / Contact geometry / Homology / Chord / Diagram / Topological quantum field theory / Euclidean vector

    Chord diagrams, topological quantum field theory, and the sutured Floer homology of solid tori Daniel Mathews Abstract We investigate contact elements in the sutured Floer homology of solid tori, as part of the (1+1)-dim

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    Language: English - Date: 2010-04-17 22:10:00